Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Play Yiruma if you want a girl

A couple of days ago, my friend told me his secret in getting girls.  You need a TALENT or at least something to impress a girl with.  For him, his method of 'impressination' is to play the piano.  Although he had never had any piano lessons nor he could read notes, he memorised all the keys and learnt a piece in 2 months.  

Yes, he learnt piano just to hit on chicks.

Nothing can beat a live demonstration.  He quickly hopped on the piano and played the piece for me.  Having to fail for the first 5 times, the 6th was a success.  Considering that he never had any training, he played pretty well with minor mistakes which can pretty much fool any girl who does not have a musical background.

The piece he played is called River Flow Into You by Yiruma who is a Korean New Age artist that married Miss Korea Son Hye-im!!! Lucky duck. 

Hear the original here.

It's actually Edward's Lullaby from Twilight! Some say it's not but oh well~

Good music combined with gorgeous looks? WINNER!!! 
I have summarised this equation to this ~> (GM + GL = W)

Addicted, I quickly Googled the sheet music and started to learn the piece.  It's not that hard and anyone that have a Level 4 or above in Piano should play it with ease. Having only completed Level 3 in Piano (Oh the shame), I'm still in the process of coordinating both my hands to work at the same time.

Heard the piece? Loved it?
Now... PLAY IT!

Learnt it? Good :)
Now boys~ you switch on your girlfriend searching radar, find a girl and play that piece for her.  Tada!! You got yourself a girl :D

Just don't forget to thank me when you do.


  1. haha i loooove this song! and yeah i agree with this! my boyfriend last yr used to play piano when we went over to his place and damn he was pro, it was kinda sexy hahaha
